Study of Clinical Profile of P. vivax Malaria in Pregnancy | 1722

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Study of Clinical Profile of P. vivax Malaria in Pregnancy

Author(s): Sneha K. Vadhvana, M.M. Hirani


Introduction: Malaria is a protozoa disease caused by the infection of red blood cells with the parasites of genus plasmodium and transmitted to man by certain species of female anopheles mosquitoes or by blood transfusion. There are two types of plasmodium genus are common in India. One is p. vivax and p. falciparam.

Aims and Objectives: 1) To study various clinical manifestations and complications of p. vivax malaria during pregnancy. 2) To study morbid effect of p. vivax malaria on pregnancy. 3) To study differences of clinical manifestations between p. vivax and mixed malarial fever.

Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 50 patients who were admitted in our institute. Written consent for participating in this study was taken of all patients. All patients were informed and explained about the study. Detailed history, clinical examinations, laboratory investigations and treatment given of all patients were collected. All patients are followed up to postpartum period to observe its postpartum complications.

Results: In this study percentage of pre-term delivery (<37 weeks of gestation) is 10 %, rest are term pregnancy and 10% baby was having low birth weight (birth weight <2.5kg), total 90 % baby was having birth weight>2.5kg.

Conclusion: Most common presenting symptom was fever with chills and rigors (100% patients) followed by nausea and vomiting (92%) and headache (66%). Most common sign at the time of presentation was pallor (80%) followed by tachycardia (40%) and hypotension (20%). Most common complication associated with malaria in pregnancy is thrombocytopenia (82%).


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