Study and analysis of occupational exposure leading to blood borne infection among Health care workers
Author(s): Bhavin Padhariya, Parth Goswami, Bharti parghi
Background: Occupational exposure carries significant risk of transmission of blood borne infection to Health care worker. In developing country like India awareness about using universal precautions and post exposure prophylaxis with documentation of exposure is poor.
Objective: To study and analyze “occupational exposure” among HCW that lead to blood born infections.
Methodology: This retrospective study analyzes the self reported cases of exposure in Sir T.Hospital, Bhavnagar, in year 2012-2014 of 70 health care worker. Data regarding frequency, category and mode of exposure along with clinical practice that lead to exposure is noted and tabulated.
Results: Majority of category of exposure is nursing students (29%) and most common clinical practices that lead to exposure is during blood withdrawal(45%).
Conclusion: Most importantly if all exposed cases documented and source for HIV positivity can be traceable; PEP can be initiated timely and helpful in reducing incidence of HIV. So need for such type of study and creating awareness in all organization