Socio-demographic profile of IUCD acceptors attending Post-Partum Unit (P.P.U.) of Guru Govindsingh Hospital, Jamnagar
Author(s): Goswami Kalpesh, Bundela Chintan, Gohel Aniruddha, Parmar Dipesh, Yadav Sudha
Background: The family welfare programme is a priority health programme for our country. In spite of integrated and concerted efforts, the programme has not been able to make an appreciable reduction of Crude Birth Rate. This was mainly because it had almost become synonymous with sterilization and majority of the couples had undergone sterilization only after achieving their desired family size of more than three children. So, the program has shifted its focus on spacing methods to reduce CBR.
Aims: To assess the socio-demographic profile of women using IUCD and the decision-making status of women in selection of spacing methods.
Material and Methods: All IUCD acceptors (Total 413 women) attending postpartum unit of G.G. Hospital, Jamnagar from October 2012 to December 2012 were studied. Results: A total 185 (44.79%) acceptors were in the age group of 24–28 years, 337(81.59%) of acceptors were literate, 238 (57.62%) acceptors had two or more living children. In 370 (89.58%) cases, IUCD was inserted within 10 days of menstruation & only 20 (4.84%) women had got IUCD inserted within 6 weeks of last delivery. Only 28 (6.77%) women took decision themselves for IUCD insertion. Decision making status of women was positively associated with their high education level.
Conclusion: Majority of IUCD users were young women, indicating that spacing is being adopted in the early twenties. Majority of the users were literate & their educational level was significantly associated with their decision making status in matters of opting for contraception.