Sex determination from distal epiphyseal breadth of tibia
Author(s): Dangar K P, Patel Mina, Pandya A M, Chauhan Pradip, Rathod S P
Background: Epiphyseal breadth of tibia is considered as a better determinant of the sex than the other variables of that bone in sexual diagnosis.
Aim: To obtain values of distal epiphyseal breadth of tibia and estimate its role in sexual identification.
Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out at Anatomy department P.D.U. Govt. Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India on 194 dry, normal, adult human tibiae (106 male & 88 female). Distal epiphyseal breadth was measured in centimeter with the help of sliding caliper by noting distance between farthest points on medial surface of medial malleolus medially and fibular notch laterally.
Results: Mean values obtained were 3.98 cm & 3.63 cm for right male & right female & 3.94 cm & 3.61cm for left male & left female respectively. Higher values in male were statically highly significant (p<0.001) on both sides. Demarking point (D.P) analysis of the data showed that right tibia with distal epiphyseal breadth more than 4.85 were definitely male and less than 2.71 were definitely female. While for left bones, tibia with distal epiphyseal breadth more than 3.19 were definitely male and less than 2.86 were definitely female. Distal epiphyseal breadth identified 1.89% of right male tibia. It was not useful for right female and for left bones.
Conclusion: From the above study, it can be concluded that based on measurement of distal epiphyseal breadth of right and left tibia, sex differentiation can be made.