Semen analysis: Study of hundred samples of semen, in association with different epidemiological parameters, from cases of male infertility
Author(s): Atul Shrivastav, Tejas Choksi, Avni Patel, A. S. Agnihotri
BACKGROUND: Infertility is social stigma. Male infertility also has significant contribution in Toto. Different habits among males i.e. smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol intake have found adverse influence on sperm count and sperm motility.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To identify the role of smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol in decreasing sperm count or motility.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total 100 semen samples from the case of male infertility reported at C U Shah Medical College & Hospital were taken in this study. The results of alcoholics, tobacco chewers and smokers were studied and compared according to WHO guidelines, to that of non-alcoholics and non-smokers.
RESULTS: Of 100 samples 68 showed decreased sperm count of which 39 men were chronic smokers, 26 men tobacco chewers and none drank chronically. 38 out of 100 samples showed decreased progressive motility, of which 21 men were addicted to either tobacco chewing or smoking.
CONCLUSION: Smoking and tobacco chewing have a role in deteriorating the sperm quality and therefore in infertility of the male partners.