Self-Care Behavior Predictors in Patients with High Blood Pr | 1754

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Self-Care Behavior Predictors in Patients with High Blood Pressure Admitted to Comprehensive Health Services Centers of Bastak City Based on BASNEF Model

Author(s): Farzaneh Pourjalil, Sedigheh Abedini, Shokrallah Mohseni


High blood pressure is one of the most important health problems. Self-care is an effective method to control this disease. The objective of the current research was to determine self-care behavior predictors in patients with high blood pressure admitted to Bastak city health centers based on the BASNEF model. This research is cross-sectional type of descriptive-analytical study. The research sample included 180 patients with high blood pressure admitted to Bastak city health centers. They were randomly selected through multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire including three sections of demographic information, knowledge, and questionnaire based on BASNEF questions. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS18 software and descriptive statistics of frequency, relative frequency, mean, and standard deviation, and analytical statistics of logistic regression, linear regression, Pearson correlation, and Chi-square. The mean age of the research samples was 50.62 ± 7.549. Based on the findings, the constructs of attitude (p = 0.001) and empowering factors played significant role in predicting self-care behaviors (p <0.001). With an emphasis on empowering factors, BASNEF model can be used as a framework to develop educational interventions for self-care.


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