Sagittal Lips' Positions in Different Facial Types | 1714

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Sagittal Lips' Positions in Different Facial Types

Author(s): Shahba'a A. Mohamme, Layth M. K. Nissan, Haider M. A. Ahmed, Mohammed Nahidh


During diagnosing any orthodontic case, sagittal lips' positions and facial types must be taken in consideration to develop a perfect treatment plan. This study aimed to find out whether different facial types had an effect on the sagittal lips' position in a sample of Iraqi females with normal dental and skeletal relations. Forty two female dental students from the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad fulfill the inclusion criteria and agree to participate in this study. Frontal and profile standardized photographs were taken for each student. After determination of the facial types, only two students with leptoprosopic facial type were determined so they were excluded for statistical purposes. The sagittal lips' positions using different analyses, nasal projection and facial convexity were measured using AutoCAD program 2016. Comparison between the facial types was done using independent sample t-test. There were no significant differences between the two facial types for all measured variables. Different facial types had no effect on the sagittal lips' positions.


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