Roll of Smoking in the Default of Tuberculosis Treatment in | 1710

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Roll of Smoking in the Default of Tuberculosis Treatment in Rajkot District

Author(s): Arvind B Daxini, Lilavati N Vasava, Arvind S Pandey


Background: Smoking is the major cause of Mycobacterial infection, default and relapse of the infection.

Aims and Objective: This study was conducted to estimate the effect of smoking in the default patients of tuberculosis treatment.

Material and Method: 150 cases (TB treatment Defaulter) and 150 controls (Who have completed whole course of treatment) from the Rajkot district of Gujarat were enrolled and interviewed. Smokers were identified by pre-structured interview and self-report. Risk of treatment default was calculated in smokers.

Results: In smokers risk of treatment default was 265% higher (OR = 2.65) in comparison the non-smoker. Risk of treatment default was quite higher in female smokers in comparison the male smokers.

Conclusion: Smoking should be prevented to improve the tuberculosis treatment adherence.


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