Role of Ultrasound in Evaluation of Vaginal Bleeding in Firs | 85126

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Role of Ultrasound in Evaluation of Vaginal Bleeding in First Trimester of Pregnancy

Author(s): Jagadeswari*


In the first trimester of pregnancy, bleeding from the vagina is the most common obstetric issue that leads to hospital admissions, causing both the patient and the obstetrician to be nervous and worried. The common causes of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy include different forms of abortions, ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy. The cause and prognosis of first trimester bleeding cannot be definitely evaluated by eliciting the relevant history and pelvic examination. Objective of our study was to determine the causes of bleeding per vagina in first trimester of pregnancy and to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Ultrasound in diagnosing the cause of first trimester vaginal bleeding.

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