Resin InResin Infiltration Concept - Need of an Hourfiltrati | 87942

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Resin InResin Infiltration Concept - Need of an Hourfiltration Concept - Need of an Hour

Author(s): Prachi Tori*


Decay of teeth is one of the major diseases affecting the oral cavity. Its aetiology is multifactorial: it is a result of interaction between the microbial factors, diet, host, and time. Enamel caries lesions are characterized by a loss of mineral beneath an apparently intact surface layer. The increased porosity within the lesion body causes the characteristic whitish appearance of these lesions. The presence of these white spot lesions in the buccal faces is often associated with areas of plaque. There is regular loss and deposition of tooth substance. And when the fall in pH is for extended period of time, there is dissolution of calcium and phosphate ion. But when pH is back to normal, deposition of ion from saliva occurs. If there is more dissolution than deposition, net loss of ion occurs, and this results in decalcification of tooth structure. This lesion appears as white spot lesion [1]. Also demineralization of subsurface enamel marks the initiation of carious lesion & this is clinically presented as white spot lesion which affects the aesthetics of patient. With this, concept of “minimally invasive technique” was introduced. According to this concept, cavity preparation was restricted to actual damage and use of dental material that mimic tooth structure and function gives satisfactory clinical and aesthetic result & also this ensure better control of oral microflora as this environment is modified and that this is truly a part of conservative dentistry. But as the disease process has begun and tooth structure is lost, minimally invasive technique is a late approach as the restorative material can’t be permanent replacement for natural tooth structure. So if we consider, average longevity of restoration, the actual form, strength and aesthetic can’t be restored despite using any secondary retention and resistance feature like slot, tunnel, or minibus restorations. This leads to change in pattern of restoration from extensive cavity preparation to minimally invasive approach. As this lesion is capable of remineralisation, restoration should not be done. So from this article, we can learn about various conventional treatment options with their drawbacks for white spot lesion and the recent approach ie the resin infiltration technique. After learning all these options, we can conclude that Resin Infiltration Technique is a effective option. Resin infiltration technique is a minimally invasive option for treating teeth with mild to moderate white spot lesion. This is a convenient option as we need to prepare the tooth structure mechanically for treatment neither we need to go for abrasion of tooth surface. Resin infiltration is proven to be an effective treatment for masking white spot lesions.

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