Quantum Dots for Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer | 93519

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Quantum Dots for Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer

Author(s): Manish Kumar Gupta*, Naresh Kumar, Pallavi Srivastava and Jayanand


Nanotechnology is a research and development ?ieŽd concerned with creating 'things' - mostly materials and devices - on the scale of molecules and atoms. The use of matter on a nuclear, atomic, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes is known as nanotechnology. Quantum dot structures are a product designed by nanotechnologists, and it is an emerging ?ieŽd with various applications. Breast cancer is diagnosed with the help of these structures. Due to their unique optical & electrical features, QDs are widely used as in vitro & in vivo ?Žuorophores in sub-atomic, cell, & in vivo imaging. Points of interest in differentiating metastases are revealed by quantum-dots-based innovation. With the advancement of these dot structure mix and adjustment, the impact of QDs on tumor metastasis research will become ever more signi?icƒnt as the science progresses. As a result, we will be able to establish a link between nanotechnology and cancer biology, as well as develop novel techniques to treat and diagnose the deadly disease.

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