Psychosocial Behavioural Changes of Public during Pandemics
Author(s): Aathira CM and Lakshminarayanan Arivarasu*
The severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus-2 pandemic has spread rapidly and has a growing impact on individuals, communities, and healthcare systems worldwide. At times of any pandemic, the role and responsibility of the authorities to react accordingly changes the outcome of the situation. Hand hygiene and social distancing behaviours must be implemented. Successfully reaching this goal requires both individual and collective efforts to drastically modify daily routines and activities. The aim of this study is to assess the psychosocial behavioural changes during pandemic. 100 people were chosen for the study from the Chennai district. A cross sectional study consisting of 15 questions was circulated online and the data was statistically analysed using SPSS software. Statistical analysis was done using Chi square tests. It is clear from the results that the public gets stressed and is loaded with misleading information throughout the pandemic. Hence, people are repellent towards healthcare policies and deny them. It can be concluded that proper awareness and trust must be created among the public for their wellbeing and to work out new strategies to enhance and handle pandemic outbreaks.