Psychological Manifestations in Puerperal Women | 87663

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Psychological Manifestations in Puerperal Women

Author(s): Satya Deepti Surala and K. Saraswathi*


The current study brings out various factors which are suggestive of emotional (mood) disturbances which are not uncommon among women after childbirth. In the present study, no significant relevance was found between psychological stress and age. Literate women were 5.5 times more prone for depression than illiterate women and there is more chances of depression of women in socioeconomic class 4. It was found that depression was fairly common in Nuclear families as compared to Extended families. No significant relevance was found between psychological stress and parity. Women were 333. 8 times more prone for depression if there were not Booked and Immunised. The Obstetricians are in a unique position where they can help women in the better experience of motherhood for both the woman and her family just by being aware of the psychological manifestations in puerperal women as "the eye cannot see what the mind does not know".

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