Prevalence of vancomycin resistant enterococci among pet gro | 97009

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Prevalence of vancomycin resistant enterococci among pet groomers and their animals

Author(s): Ghada Younis Abdulrahman*


Introduction: Enterococcus species are found in the gut and feces of humans and different animals, with the ability to survive and grow under hard conditions carrying the antibiotic resistance genes especially in hospitalized patients. Aims: Our study aimed to identify VRE carried in household animals’ mouth and also on hands of their owners. Methods: Swabs from pet’s mouths and the hands of their groomers were taken and the vancomycin resistant Enterococci were isolated and identified by classical, automated and molecular techniques, as well as their antibiogram according to CLSI protocols. Results: Thirty-three Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus gallinarum, with 66,67% Vancomycin resistance were identified by the classical microbiological and Vitek-2 and DNA-based methods. The isolates were distributed as: 25 isolates from animal’s mouths; 7 and one isolate from the animal owners’ hands and mouth respectively. The isolated enterococcus spp. possesses the gene Van-B with product size 635 bp. Conclusion: As in many researches in different countries, Vancomycin resistant Enerococcus faecium still the most prevalent VRE, with its great importance to cause infections and to transfer the resistance gene to other infectious bacteria.

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