Prevalence of Patients Undergoing Root Canal Treatment in Single Visit and Multiple Visit Based on Diagnostic Response
Author(s): Mohamad Qulam Zaki Bin Mohamad Rasidi and S. Delphine Priscilla Anthony*
The dental pulp is a delicate connective tissue. It includes ample blood vessels, lymphatics, nervous fibers, and undifferentiated cells. Patients with irreversible pulpitis often need strong analgesics and may have difficulty locating the precise tooth that causes pain. The aim of this present study is to evaluate the association of gender and tooth involved in single visit/multiple visit root canal treatment based on the diagnostic test response. 3170 patients underwent Single visit RCT, and 4140 patients underwent Multivisit RCT were assessed and examined for the diagnostic test done, teeth involved and gender, data entered in Microsoft excel sheet and transferred to SPSS software for statistical results. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests were used to determine the correlation between the variables where P-value<0.05 is considered statistically significant with a confidence interval of 95%. Within the limitations of the present study, it showed that a higher number of male patients were reported in Single visit and Multi visit RCT. Maxillary Anterior and Maxillary Molars teeth had been reported to be the highest number of teeth involved in single visit RCT, and in Multi visit RCT, Mandibular Molars were reported to be the highest in Multi visit RCT. Most of the patients who underwent Single visit and Multi visit RCT were given the diagnostic test response as Cold Test-Abnormal response. There is significant evidence to show an association between the different teeth numbers involved and the gender for patients in both the single and Multi-visit Root Canal Treatment procedure,and an association between the different teeth numbers involved and the diagnostic test responses for patients underwent single and Multi-visit Root Canal Treatment procedure as both correlations showed P-value<0.05.