Preoperative Serum Albumin and it's Outcome on Postoperative | 58174

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Preoperative Serum Albumin and it's Outcome on Postoperative Mortality and Morbidity: A Review Article

Author(s): Sagar Rathod*, Dhirendra Wagh and Yashwant Lamture


Albumin has crucial and markable functions in health. Hypoalbuminemia has been shown to be deeply associated with increased mortality and morbidity in hospitalized patients. Many studies were conducted in the past but none of them has a definitive result. With this literature review we aim to review near-past studies and find out the importance of preoperative serum albumin and its outcome on postoperative results.

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