Predictor Factors that Influence the Results of Sudden Deafn | 1498

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Predictor Factors that Influence the Results of Sudden Deafness Therapy

Author(s): Abla Ghanie, Erial Bahar, Widya Adiarti


Sudden deafness is an emergency case in otorhinolaryngology (ORL). Standard therapy did not result in the same hearing improvement between cases. There are some factors that may influence the therapeutic result therefore, it is necessary to identify predictive factors that may effect on prognosis. Methods: Prognostic test study was done to 52 sudden deafness patients (58 ears) that were treated in ORL-HN department at Moh. Hoesin General Hospital from December 2015 until May 2016. From 52 participants, we found some predictive factors that may influence the therapeutic results, including the suffered side of ear (p=0.011), pattern of audiometry results (p=0.047), and degree of hearing impairment (p=0.038). From the logistic regression we found those factors, including suffered side of ear (OR adj=4), onset of therapy (OR adj=3.8), and degree of hearing impairment (OR adj=2.3). There was significant corellation between suffered side of ear, pattern of audiometry results, and degree of hearing impairment with therapeutic results. There was some predictive factors that mostly influenced the therapeutic results, including suffered side of ear, onset of therapy, and degree of hearing impairment


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