Potential of Endophytic Medicinal Plants Found in Uttarakhand
Author(s): Lakhwinder Singh*, Bhupendra Kumar, Amar P. Garg and Jaivir Singh
Uttarakhand is the abundant resource of plants having medicinal properties and conventional medical information, often considered as the Herbal State. Various information is dispersed in various ways about medicinal plants in Uttarakhand. Medicinal plants are a large community of fungal endophytes, which are recorded in traditional indigenous preparations. Higher height medical herbs have the ethnopharmacological niches amongst these geologically varied medical fauna. Higher height medical fauna were utilized in a way that they are excessively endangered due to their enormous bioactive potential. The study was conducted for the sampling of many endophyte literature studies to enable a better understanding of the process by which endophytes perform so that the current situation in microbial information can be thoroughly assessed. The higher altitude medicinal plants can also be investigated and bioactivity tested for the endophytic fungal diversity. The study was conducted for the view of biology for aiding pharmaceutical procedures of fungi endophyte from therapeutic products of mountainous areas of Uttarakhand. The current study can aid further studies for the development of effective medicines.