Platelet Rich Fibrin: The Most Reliable and Autologous Bioma | 99079

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Platelet Rich Fibrin: The Most Reliable and Autologous Biomaterial

Author(s): Ritika Rathi*, Bhairavi Kale and Anjali Borle


PRF is an autologous biomaterial made up of cytokines and growth factors encapsulated within a fibrin network. It contains fibrous sealing characteristics with growth factors to create a perfect environment for tissue regeneration and wound healing. It has recently been used in dentistry by a variety of specialties in a huge variety of therapeutic techniques. The current literature review seeks to describe the important research on the approach of using Platelet rich fibrin in therapeutic interventions, with a focus on its formulation, benefits, and drawbacks. Because this is a non-intrusive technology with comparative ease and excellent clinical outcomes, PRF alone or in collaboration with other biopolymers appears to offer numerous benefits and uses in dentistry and medicine.

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