Author(s): Onyemata K Esther, Maryam Yau Gimba, Sani Sambo Datsugwai Mohammed and Senol Dane*
Background and aim: The menace of the disease “ulcer” continues to extend within the population in a geometric progression, however, no viable cure may be said to be available to the populace. Humans all around the world suffer from stomach ulcers, which have a high morbidity and death rate. A medicinal plant is one that has the potential to be utilized for therapeutic reasons or which contains chemicals that can be used as precursors for the production of effective pharmaceuticals. Phytochemicals aid in the stimulation of immune responses and Immunity against a variety of diseases and are found in the many fruits and plants. The goals of this study are to obtain crude ethanolic extracts of the different parts of the plant (the stem, the leaves, and the flowers), and to carry out the phytochemical screening of the ethanolic extract of the different parts of the plant and study the anti-ulcer potential of the different concentration (200m/kg, 400mg/kg,600mg/kg) of the plant and determine the serum parameters. Materials and Methods: Fresh whole plant (stem, leaves & flowers) of Ixora coccinea were collected and ethanolic extract of the plant was obtained. Phytochemical analysis was used to determine the presence of secondary metabolites in Ixora coccinea. Animals were purchase from National institute for pharmaceutical research and development. Animals were randomized into six (6) groups A-F and treated as described. Fasting blood sugar was determined using on call plus Glucometer. Gastro protective effect of crude ethanol extract of Ixora coccinea was conducted, the ulcerated surfaces in each stomach and for each group the result was expressed in mm of mean ulcer index. Results: Result from this study showed the phytochemical screening of the different parts (leaves, stem and flowers) of Ixora coccinea was achieved the using the ethanolic extract. However, the flowers revealed more of the phytochemicals such as flavonoid (14.10%), saponin (11.15%), tannin (m15.34%), alkaloid (10.80%), glycoside (0.89%), and phenol (4.39%) hence used to carry out the research. Conclusion: The administration of 200mg/kg body weight of Ixora coccinea flower extract conferred a significant amount of gastric protection against HCl induced ulcer as percentage ulcer inhibition, serum albumin and total protein in the stomach and serum compared significantly with the group that received 20mg/Kg of Omeprazole.