Oral Haemangioma: A Case Report | 84782

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Oral Haemangioma: A Case Report

Author(s): Saraswathi Gopal K, Srividhya S and Nagammai N*


Haemangiomas are relatively common benign proliferative lesion of vascular tissue origin. They are considered to be benign tumors of infancy characterized by a rapid growth phase with endothelial cell proliferation, followed by gradual involution. It is most common in the head and neck but relatively rare in oral cavity. Most common primarily affected site is upper lip but they can also occur on buccal mucosa, tongue and palate. Treatment relays on the correct diagnosis of the lesion and on its anatomic locations. The purpose of the article is to report a case of haemangioma of buccal mucosa covering the clinical characteristics and methods for diagnosing these lesions with possible treatment strategies.

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