Misconceptions regarding COVID- 19 pandemic and COVID vaccin | 95678

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Misconceptions regarding COVID- 19 pandemic and COVID vaccines

Author(s): Sonal Yadav* and Abhishek Ingole


The current Corona disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is one of the most serious humanitarian crises and scientists are working together to develop a COVID vaccine that is both safe and effective. The WHO considers vaccine apprehension to be the society's most significant communal health hazard, especially in less income countries. Vaccination anxiety can be caused by a lack of knowledge, wrong holy faiths and vaccine hesitancy advertisement. Vaccination hesitancy attitude is at all-time high, which might have dreadful implications. This research discusses the impact of misunderstandings and theories of conspiracy concerning corona and the vaccine on COVID-19 vaccination refusals. While effective vaccines for the corona virus have been developed, public vaccination reluctance may potentially hamper attempts to battle the pandemic. Individuals' desire to get a Corona vaccination was considerably boosted by higher levels of vaccine effectiveness. The vaccine maker had no impact on the public's readiness to be vaccinated. We also found no indication that believing in information regarding Corona therapies was related to vaccination effectiveness. The purpose of this experimentation is to look at how information about vaccine attributes such as effectiveness, side effects rates, the nature of the governmental approval process, the identity of the manufacturers and policy interventions such as economic incentives affect vaccination intentions, as well as the relationship between belief in an important category of misconception wrong assertions about COVID treatments and willingness to vaccin ate.

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