Medico Legal Issues in Dentistry: The Necessity of the Hour | 102688

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Medico Legal Issues in Dentistry: The Necessity of the Hour

Author(s): Nakul Arora*, Malaika Varma, Vaishnav Kalbhut, Kumar Gaurav Chhabra, Priyanka Paul Madhu and Amit Reche


While providing health care services, a dentist must follow certain set of protocols to avoid any charges under the heading of malpractice. Medical record is a document certified as per the Indian evidence act, 1872. A dentist is bound by laws and conduct while providing treatment to his patients. Disclosure of complete details is important in understanding the treatment, it is essential to avoid any stage of negligence by the dentist. Medicine is a respectable profession, but the practice of medicine is affected by the physician-patient relationship and the movement between the knowledge of key health professionals. Health negligence can be challenged in court under two main categories, namely legal and criminal depending on the scenario. There is also a third way, under the consumer protection act, 1986, in which the professional management provided by the dentist can be challenged. A well-paid reimbursement insurance also known as protection cost covers all costs, costs and expenses incurred by the insured by their previous consent between inspection, protection or payment of any claim made to the insured will cover. Basic standards of medicine requires that experts address a variety of medical and legal concerns that help to report consistent data appropriately. In several surveys conducted to access the level of knowledge among dental professionals, it has been found that dentists are often less aware to the rules that govern their work. Thus, nowadays it is important for health experts to have knowledge about the laws, which may be beneficial to patients and doctors and to society as a total. This review examines the need of incorporation of medico legal aspects in the profession of dentistry.

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