Medical Practice in Maverannahr Sufism of the 16th Century A | 60627

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Medical Practice in Maverannahr Sufism of the 16th Century According to the Descriptions of Manakiba

Author(s): Lutfullo Eshonovich Ismoilov*, Mastura Negmatdzonovna Akhmedova, Alsu Yunisovna Giniyatullina and Lotfollah Taghizade


The article discusses the content of manakiba, which are dedicated to the famous Maverannahr Sufi sheikhs studies the description of the “medical practice” of the Sufi sheikh. The methods and ways of treating Sufis in a medieval atmosphere are interpreted, where religiosity was an integral part of social psychology, and Sufi medical practice was carried out according to prevailing religious beliefs.

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