Measurements of Face and Head Anthropometric Criteria in 18 to 30 Year Old Native Students of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences and their Comparison with Caucasian People and other Iranian Races
Author(s): Babaei Soroor Amir Hossein, Shaverdi Payam, Musavi Seresht Masih
Anthropometry is the science of measuring the dimensions of the human body. Head and face anthropometry is used in various fields such as normal growth studies, clinical investigations of syndromic patients with jaw and face anomalies, and the treatment plan for maxillofacial surgeries. The criteria being studied in the field of head and face anthropometry include criteria related to head, face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Several studies is conducted in non-Iranian races, especially the Caucasian race. But unfortunately, anthropometric information in Iranian race has many shortcomings. Given the differences of these criteria in diverse races, we decided to study and evaluate anthropometric criteria in an Iranian and Hamadan population in this study. A cross-sectional study is conducted in a limited geographical area of Hamadan province. From among the accessible samples, 250 male and female Iranian 18 to 30 years old (125 male and 125 female) native students of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences who had no history of surgery and any symptoms of syndromic or major trauma on the face and head were chosen and included in the study after obtaining a written consent form. Landmarks were marked with the help of marker pen on the face firstly, and then the interested distances were measured with a calibrated caliper and analog micrometers. The data were finally analyzed using SPSS23 and R 3.1.0 software. All the anthropometric measurements examined in this study in men showed more value than those of women, and only the height of the palpebral fissure (ps-pi) in women was higher than men. All anthropometric measurements showed a significant difference between means in the both male and female groups (p<0.05), except for the height of upper lip vermilion (ls-sto). 23 cases of the measured criteria in men and 21 cases in women, showed a significant difference compared to their homogeneous in Caucasian race. Also, the results of this study showed many differences with the studies of other Iranian colleagues on other Iranian races. Given the considerable differences in these measurements between our studied samples and the Caucasian race, the measurements obtained in the Caucasian race cannot be used as a criterion for the treatment plan for Iranian surgeons and dentists. Also, considering the combined Iranian race and the diversity of physical dimensions in different regions of Iran and the considerable differences in the standards of studies of Iranian societies, further studies with wider geographic dispersion is required.