Management of Both Bones Forearm Fractures with Dynamic Comp | 88148

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Management of Both Bones Forearm Fractures with Dynamic Compression Plate

Author(s): Jerson John Mathew, Madhukar*, Jithin Jose Thomas and Raja Nadar Chidambaram


Background: A study was conducted on Internal Fixation and Dynamic Compression Plating as management for both bones forearm diaphyseal fractures. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study in which 30 cases of diaphyseal fractures both bones forearm in adults were treated in Sree Balaji Medical College Hospital, Chennai .The average age ranged between 20-30 years .Fracture union, function and complications were assessed for the patients. Results: The grip strength and range of movements are good. Exceptional results were attained in 21cases (70%), good in 5 cases (17.5%), fair result in 4 cases (12.5%) . Occurrence of infection and delayed union were two and one cases respectively. Conclusion: Dynamic Compression Plating proves to be an effective treatment for both bone forearm fractures and choice of treatment is open reduction and internal fixation.

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