Knowledge of Dentists towards Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Bandar Abbas 2015
Author(s): Saeedeh Sadr, Mohammad Vakili Nezhad, Sajad Ansari Fard
Since many patients who refer to dentist’s offices are suffering systemic disease which requires dentist’s attention in prescribing antibiotics, this study is conducted to determine dentist’s knowledge about antibiotic’s prophylaxis in 2015. This is a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study on 126 dentists in Bandar Abbas in 2015. Sampling was conducted randomly by referring to dentist’s office seeking participation if the dentist was willing to take part in the study. Questionnaires were handed out to dentists and taken back in the same day. Multi-variant regression was used for data analysis. 53.2% of participants were men and 46.8% were women. Mean age of participants were 44.9 years old. Mean time spent from general graduation was 11.20 years. Mean score of dentists to awareness questions were 72.9 (of a maximum score 104). According to scores of dentist in awareness questions, it can be concluded that dentists in Bandar Abbas have fairly poor knowledge which should be considered in the national dentistry educational program.