Knee Joint Pain and Daily Living Activities among Elderly People with Different Knee Osteoarthritis in Selected Rural Area in Chennai
Author(s): Dominic Arockia Mary* and AR Bharathi
Background: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic, degenerative knee joint disorder associated with inflammation, pain, stiffness, and reduced functional abilities, thereby impacting the patient’s quality of daily living activities in their life. The prevalence of Knee osteoarthritis is growing rapidly in India and around the globe, even in younger populations. OA pain, swelling and stiffness can make it difficult for individuals to perform simple activities of daily living (ADL). In old age, physical functions such as leg strength, balance and mobility of the leg joints decreases markedly with age. Prevention of a reduction in these physical functions is important to allow the elderly to continue a healthy and independent daily life. The ADL survey was used to assess the physical ability which are necessary for the elderly to live independent daily life. Our study examines the ability to achieve various ADLs among the elderly people those with mild, moderate and severe knee joint pain. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Knee joint pain and it impact over Daily Living Activities among Elderly People with different Knee Osteoarthritis. Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted on 50 elderly People above the age of 60 Years during the period of January to March 2020 in rural area at Mangadu Chennai. The questionnaire covered data regarding population socio?demographics such as gender, age, education level, and occupation. Results: The percentage level of numerical pain score among elderly people living in rural area. In general, 8.00% of the male having no pain level of score, 34.00% of them are having mild level of pain score, 50.00% of them having moderate level of pain score and 8.00% of them having severe level of pain score. The percentage level of activities of daily living score among elderly people living in rural area. In general, 10.00% of the male having very dependent level of score, 48.00% of them are having dependent level of score, 42.00% of them having independent level of score. Conclusion: There is a significant negative moderate correlation between Pain score and activities of daily living score. It means pain score decreases their activities of daily living score increases moderately.