Intracranial Complications of Chronic Otitis Media at Mohamm | 1508

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Intracranial Complications of Chronic Otitis Media at Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang

Author(s): Abla Ghanie


Chronic Otitis Media (COM) is an inflammation in all or part of middle ear mucosa characterized by tymphanic membrane perforation, mucopurulent secretions, and persists at least 8 weeks. Chronic Otitis Media (COM) may cause intracranial complications. Baig et al in 2011 reported 4 out of 160 COM were found with intracranial complication. Intracranial complications are associated with high rates of serious morbidity and mortality. Therefore comprehensive management is necessary. Objective: To find out the incidence of COM with intracranial complication at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital. Case: From 1312 COM Cases, 116 were found with cholesteatoma. Eleven cases of COM with cholesteatoma were found with intracranial complications. We reported intracranial complication such as cerebral abscess, meningitis, and hidrocephalus. Management: Seven of cerebral abscess were identified, whereas 3 cases were treated with mastoidektomy CWD and burr hole, 2 cases were undergone mastoidektomy CWD without any neurosurgery intervention, and 2 others were managed with conservative medication treatment and neurosurgery intervention with craniotomy and burr hole, patients died before the mastoidectomy was done. All cases of meningitis (2 cases) were treated with mastoidectomy CWD. And 2 hidrocephalus cases were treated with mastoidektomy CWD and VP shunt. Prompt diagnosis and comprehensive therapy are critical to minimizing the morbidity and mortality of COM with intracranial complication.


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