Incisional Hernia-A Comprehensive Study of Patients Admitted | 82345

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Incisional Hernia-A Comprehensive Study of Patients Admitted in Sree Balaji Medical College Hospital

Author(s): Audipudi Venkata Ajit and Gopalsamy Santhanam Prabudoss*


Incisional Hernia is a condition that appears on the layers of the abdominal walls wherein already some incisions are made and are undesirable sequel of surgery which is an iatrogenic problem. Though the overall incidence of incisional hernia is just 9.9% it a very significantly reported in case of midline incisions than transverse incisions. The abdominal walls are very complexly arranged, layered with segmentally The abdominal wall is an anatomically complex, layered structure with segmentally derived blood supply and innervation.

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