Impairment of Cognitive Function in Obese School Going Children Representing South Indian Population-A Correlative Population Based Study
Author(s): Renuka Devi MR*, Swathy Asokan, S Mahila and Devaki PR
Introduction: Research about the child nutrition will play key role in all aspects of child health. On one end India is facing problem in feeding the children and there is malnutrition leading to many diseases, but on the other end overweight and obesity is posing great concern. This study aims at correlating impairment of cognitive function in overweight and obese school going children in south Indian population. Overweight and obesity poses various health issues immediately as well as on a long-term basis.
Aims: To study the correlation between obesity and cognitive function in obese school going children representing south Indian population.
Methodology: After recruiting the children between the age group of 13 years and 17 years, their BMI was calculated. The BMI was then plotted on a standard growth chart prescribed by the Indian academy of paediatrics to calculate the BMI percentile. MMSE test by folstein were performed on all the groups by asking some questions based on folstein scale and scores are given. The total score is for 30. The test is done using set of questions like orientation to time, place, recall, telling the numbers backwards and giving some complex activities. Scores are given to each activity and the added. The score below 21 between 8th grade and 10th grade is considered as impaired cognition and below 23 between 11th grade and 12th grade is considered as impaired cognition.
Result: There is no association between BMI and cognition in our study although the MMSE score decreases as the BMI increases in overweight and obese, the value shows a weak association. There is a need for further research.