Immuno Oncological Challenge of COVID-19
Author(s): Somya Sharma and Sonali Choudhari Deshmukh*
COVID-19 has shaken the world in an unprecedented way. It brought the whole world at a standstill mode. It started from Wuhan city in China and spread to almost all the countries in less than a year. It affected differently in different demography depending upon the mortality, comorbidities and the exposure to the virus of the Corona family. Though this virus has been a great threat to everyone irrespective of people’s health, but the cancer patients has been one of the most vulnerable ones. Epidemiologic data recommend that drops eliminated during eye to eye transparency during talking, hacking, or wheezing is the most generally perceived strategy for transmission. Somewhat long receptiveness to a tainted individual being inside 6 feet for something like 15 minutes and briefer openings to individuals who are characteristic e.g. hacking are connected with higher risk for transmission, while brief openings to asymptomatic contacts are less disposed to achieve transmission. There were no effective and preventive measures available for quite a long time and only supportive and palliative interventions were available. It took very long to the medical researchers and scientists to come up with vaccines. Almost after two years vaccines were made available in the market. Even today there is no clarity about whether a cancer patient can take vaccine or not. If yes, then under what conditions and what are the precautions to be taken. This review aims at exploring the scope for cancer patients through articles and journals published about the immuno oncological challenges of COVID-19, how are the patients tackling it? How difficult has it been for the wards/families of the cancer patients?