Home Remedies During Covid Pandemic Lockdown | 58161

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Home Remedies During Covid Pandemic Lockdown

Author(s): Seema Kolhe*, Minal Dambhare, Priya Dhankasar, Pallavi Dhole, Ashwathy Nair and Priya Rewatkar


Background: While the 2019 corona virus disease (COVID-19) continues to pandemic, a rising number of countries are and territory adopts restrictive measures on physical ("social") distancing, intended to avoid transmission from human to human, and thus restricting virus spread. Lockdowns nationwide. In the event of any health issues that require time to fix Home use the home treatment. During the lockdown time, handle the home made in basic care and troubleshooting treatment at home, but check the condition of the person often delivered at home. referred to the home near the hospital Any otherwise health center Home remedy is a type of homemade medication or tonic often of unproven effectiveness administered without any guidance, prescription, or professional persons supervision. Home remedies may or may not have any type of medicinal properties that will treat or cure the diseases. It can be prepared by any person those are literate or laypersons also Women in India are well versed to home remedies as compared to male, they are always practicing it since generations for quick relief for children and family members as early as possible, keep them away from any illnesses In India, to control Covid 19 disease in the country government has declared complete lockdown in the country to break chain of COVID19 through social distancing In this condition sometimes it’s not possible to go at clinic for minor illnesses like cold, cough, headache, body ache etc. if this signs and symptoms are not severe and if, no medicine is available at home, then in this condition.

Conclusion: Home remedies is best option to get relief from minor illness during lock down. This research aimed at exploring the use of natural remedies for the treatment. 

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