Histopathological Spectrum of Benign Breast Lesions
Author(s): Vilasini Patil, Archana Khandelwal and Kanchanmala G. Ghorpade
Breast lesions have gained global attention as breast cancer has become one of the leading causes of death among women. The importance of benign lesions lie in their ability to mimic cancers and not all benign lesions are completely free of risks. The present study was undertaken with an aim to determine the incidence and the histopathological spectrum of various benign breast lesions at our institute. A retrospective study was done in the department of pathology over a period of three years from Jan 2014 to Dec 2016. Relevant clinical details of the cases were obtained from the requisition forms. All breast samples were processed by standard procedure and formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections were studied and analyzed. Total 177 cases of breast lesions were studied and analyzed. Of the total 177 cases, 160(85%) cases were benign lesions. Fibroadenoma (65.7%) was the commonest lesion followed by fibrocystic disease (10%) and benign Phylloides tumour(5.6%).Majority of the benign breast lesions were in the age group of 21-30 years(45.5%). breast lesions are a heterogeneous group of disorder ranging from inflammatory to invasive cancers. Distinguishing these heterogeneous forms by histopathological examination is crucial for prognostic prediction.