General Idea About the Reach of Stem Cell Regenerative Medic | 54412

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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General Idea About the Reach of Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine: Evidence Based Review

Author(s): Atul Dwivedi, Shweta Shukla Dwivedi*, Muhammad Raheel Tariq, Xiaoming Qiu, Suzhen Hong and Yu Xin


The use of Stem cells regenerative Medicine in the treatment of variety of disease is an innovation in the field of medicine. Therapeutic effect of MSCs can be clearly seen from wide range of studies. And this therapy can improve outcomes in case of damaged tissue or diseased tissue. The need of stem cell regenerative medicine increased because there is huge gap between demand of donated organs and needy patients who suffered from severe illness. This review outlines the, types of stem cells and their source, several innovative applications of SCRM for the treatment of disease, role of SCRM in orthopedics, role of micro - RNA, Glycans in the regulation of stem cells, Route of Administration &potential application of SCRM.

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