Facial Melanosis a Prospective Study of the Etiological Fact | 82528

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Facial Melanosis a Prospective Study of the Etiological Factors

Author(s): M Bhairavi*


Among 162 cases diagnosed with facial melanosis, 104 cases had melasma, 10 patients were diagnosed with pigmentation demarcation line; among these all 10 (6.5%) 6 cases were diagnosed to have Seborrhoeic melanosis. 46 (28.4%) cases had positive history of exposure to Drugs/Heavy Metals/Cosmetics and 116 (71.6%). 8 cases were diagnosed to have post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, among these all 6 (13.0%) cases had positive history of Exposure to Drugs/Heavy Metals/Cosmetics and 2 (1.7%). Fifteen cases were diagnosed to have periorbital hyper melanosis. Among these 6 (13.0%) cases had positive history of Exposure to Drugs/Heavy Metals/Cosmetics and 9 (7.8%) and 16 cases were diagnosed to have paraphenylenediamine dermatitis. Only 6 cases were diagnosed to have Seborrhoeic melanosis. Majority of the patients affected with facial melanosis. We have observed a close association of facial melanosis with different predisposing factors such as sun exposure, pregnancy, cosmetic use, ovarian tumor, atopy, iron deficiency and other endocrine diseases.

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