Extraction of Fluoxetine from Urine and Aqueous Samples Usin | 1741

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Extraction of Fluoxetine from Urine and Aqueous Samples Using Solid-phase Microextraction Silica Fiber Coated by Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Followed by Spectrofluorimetric Determination

Author(s): Mahdi Khoshnood, Mahmoud Ebrahimi, Behzad chahkandi


Fluoxetine (N-methyl-c-[4-phenoxy] benzenepropanamine) (FLU) is the parent drug of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant class, which has emerged as a major therapeutic advance in psychopharmacology. It has been approved worldwide in the therapy of major depression and has also demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of other syndromes, such as bulimia nervosa, panic fits and obsessive–compulsive disorder. An instrumental setup including off-line solid phase microextraction coupled to fluorescence spectrometry has been constructed to improve the sensitivity for quantification of fluoxetine in real samples. The method was applied to analysis of spiked wastewater samples with the recovery 90.17%. This research provides an overview of the new developments in material and format technology that improve the extraction of semi-polar compounds in several extraction techniques. It mainly includes a solid-phase microextraction, that uses a simple carbon nanotube bonded silica fiber. The influences of microextraction conditions such as pH, ageing time, salt effect, performance and desorption conditions were investigated. It is a promising pre-treatment method for the fast, trace analysis in many complicated matrixes such as aqueous and biological samples. The method has a high enrichment factor and excellent selective cleanup of sample. Reasonable relative recovery was also obtained. The linear calibration curves was obtained in the range of0.1-10 μg.L-1.We used the method to pre-concentration and clean up fluoxetine from real samples.


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