Expression of Immunohistochemical Markers in Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid and Non-Neoplastic Lesions of Thyroid
Author(s): Gayathri Priyadarshini RS and Ponnuswamy Karkuzhali*
Thyroid gland nodules and carcinoma is extremely common worldwide and are discovered during routine medical care. The most common carcinoma are well- differentiated papillary carcinoma (80% of all thyroid cancers) and follicular carcinoma (15%). The final diagnosis to distinguish cytologically undetermined tumors is made on surgically removed specimen by histopathological examination in routine Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E) stained sections. Though in many cases diagnosis is obvious by Cytology alone in a sizeable number the diagnosis is only presumptive. PTC has a papillary architecture and distinctive set of nuclear features, such as ground glass nuclei, nuclear grooves and nuclear pseudoinclusions. None of these findings are individually specific totally for Papillary carcinoma. The present study was designed to study the expression of Immunohistochemical markers like ck19, and galectin- 3 in Papillary carcinoma and Non Neoplastic lesions of thyroid and to see whether the expression pattern may provide a link to the development of papillary carcinoma at a later date. Out of the 122 cases, 30 cases of PTCs and 92 Non Neoplastic lesions were observed. In the present study, we conclude that Galectin-3 maybe a useful specific marker in confirming the diagnosis of PTC.