Evaluation of Renal Function in Patients of Acute Stroke and its Relationship with-in Hospital Mortality
Author(s): Sant Das, Kumar Lal, Naresh Kumar, Kelash Jesrani, Tariq Farhad, Maesh Kumar and Niaz Hussain keerio*
Objective: The aim of this study was to find out renal function in patients with acute stroke and to provide early interventions to prevent morbidity as well as mortality. Place of study and its duration: Department of Family Medicine, Zyed Military Hospital al Batayah Sharjah, United Arab Emirates from June 2019 to July 2020 Methodology: The study was observational and was performed on 50 patients with acute stroke. The lab tests including biochemical testing was done on every patient. GFR (glomerular filtration rate) was observed. The creatinine level was considered as baseline testing in the study. Therefore, acute kidney failure was defined as 0.3mg/dl elevation in creatinine level in hospitalized patients. All participants who participated in the research had a thorough medical history and clinical assessment. The data that was collected was changed into variables and were coded into IBM SPSS statistics 26. Results: In this research, most of the subjects were male n=29, with mostly age group falling within 55 to 65 years n= 27. About 21 patients were with haemorrhagic stroke and 29 patients were with ischemic stroke. Out of 50 patients, 7 patients died which showed 14% mortality rate in stroke patients. 5 patients out of 7 was with AKI showing strong correlation of acute renal failure with mortality. AKI was found to be more in haemorrhagic stroke participants 20% (n=10) in contrast to ischemic stroke participants 4% (n=2). The statistical difference was found to be about p=<0.05. AKI was observed to be predicted with haemorrhagic stroke, old age, diabetes mellitus, as well as a higher baseline creatinine levels. The period of hospitalization was substantially longer in patients with stroke having AKI. Not much significant difference was noted in Mortality rate associated with haemorrhagic as well as ischemic stroke. Almost all AKI patients were found to have diabetes. There was strong correlation between diabetes and AKI which was quite significant. (P=0.001) Conclusion: In our investigation, haemorrhagic stroke, old age, higher baseline levels of creatinine, as well as diabetes mellitus were revealed for being predictors of AKI. AKI was also discovered to be an important factor of longer hospitalization and higher death in patients with stroke.