Evaluation of Photodynamic Therapy in Comparison with Conven | 89474

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of Photodynamic Therapy in Comparison with Conventional Treatment for the Treatment of Periodontal Disease-A Clinical Trial

Author(s): Iram Rafique Pawane, Jaiganesh Ramamurthy*


Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical results of conventional non-surgical periodontal therapy with or without adjunct PDT in patients of chronic periodontitis. Materials and methods: 20 patients with chronic untreated periodontitis, (8 female, 12 male, mean aged 36.35 years, all non-smokers, Systemic diseases, including anti-inflammatory, blood stimulants, or systemic antibiotics, within the last 6 months were exempted from the criteria, previously untreated chronic periodontitis; in any quadrant at least 1 premolar and 1 molar with at least 4 teeth each; in each quadrant at least 1 tooth with an attachment loss of>3mm were included in the study. The periodontal status of each subject was evaluated at baseline and 6 weeks following periodontal therapy. PDs, clinical attachment level (CAL) were assessed. All patients received non-surgical periodontal treatment comprising a thorough scaling and root planning of all periodontal involved teeth using a split mouth design, two quadrants were additionally treated with PDT, with a designated photosensitizer dye (methylene blue) and a diode laser (biolase 940nm). Laser application at six locations per tooth was carried out circumferentially. The subjects were given thorough oral hygiene maintenance instructions and recalled after two weeks for a second round of PDT at the same sites. A total of two exposures for the photodynamic therapy group with a two week interval were done Probing depths and attachment levels were assessed after 6 weeks. Statistical analysis was done to compare intergroup using the paired t test. Differences were considered as statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: Baseline mean values for PD and CAL were significantly different in the test and control group. Values for CAL and PD decreased significantly 6 weeks after treatment in the control group, with a higher impact on the sites treated with adjunctive PDT Conclusion: In patients with untreated chronic periodontitis, clinical outcomes of conventional non-surgical periodontal therapy can be improved by multiple PDT.

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