Evaluation of Flexural Strength of Fibre Splint Post Brushing Simulation-An In Vitro Study
Author(s): R Saravanan and Jaiganesh Ramamurthy*
Introduction:Splinting of the mobile teeth is a critical part of periodontal management to improve the prognosis and longevity of stable results of periodontally compromised teeth with increased mobility. Different types of splints are used in the dental field based on their mechanical and physical properties. Splinting device which joins two or more teeth in order to provide support and to reduce mobility. Tooth brush simulation which provides a normal cycle of toothbrush. In which toothbrush simulation provides the brushing in different types of fibre splints with different types of toothpaste to identify the flexibility of Interlig fibre splints and Techno fibre splint along with Colgate toothpaste and Dabur red paste. Materials and methods: 20 samples of teeth were subjected for the study. In which 16 samples on mandibular central incisors were tested and analysed and other 2 samples were control group.8 samples of tooth were bonded with Interlig fibre splint and Other 8 samples were bonded with Techno fibre splint. The samples were subjected into toothbrush simulation ZM 3.8 (SD Mechatronik) 8 samples of interlig fibre splint were splitted in which 4 samples had colgate toothpaste and other 4 samples of had dabur red toothpaste in toothbrush simulation. Techno fibre Splint samples were divided in which 4 sample had Colgate toothpaste and other 4 samples had dabur red toothpaste.20 samples of mandibular teeth were subjected to test the flexural strength in INSTRON E 3000 UTM(Universal Testing Machine) of two different fibre splint. Results: Flexural strength of Interlig fibre splint and Techno fibre plint were analyzed and the reading were recorded in computer software. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS2.0 software to identify the Mean differences between two different fibre splints. The results show that Techno splint has high flexural strength compared with Interlig splint. Interrelation between two different toothpaste of same splints were analysed the results shows that Interlig fibre splint and Technofibre splint of Colgate toothpaste has higher flexural strength compared with Dabur red toothpaste of Interlig fibre splint and Dabur red toothpaste. Conclusion: Flexural strength between Interlig fibre splints shows lesser strength compared with Techno fibre splints and flexural strength between two different toothpaste of different fibre splints were analyzed in which Interlig fibre splint and techno fibre splint with colgate toothpaste shows higher flexural strength compared with Dabur red tooth paste.