Evaluation of Effectiveness of Combined Oral and Dental Ther | 83182

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of Effectiveness of Combined Oral and Dental Therapy in Tobacco Growers

Author(s): Nazarova NSH*, Musayeva GA and Ravshanov IR


The goal of this review is to analyze research that is aimed at evaluation of the effectiveness of combined dental therapy in tobacco cultivation specialists as compared to the control group. Research on the oral cavity and tissues has demonstrated high effectiveness of the newly developed individual care tactics in the treatment group compared to standard therapy methods. Therefore, it should be noted that direct addressing of the main pathogenic mechanisms of oral disease progression in the treatment group has resulted in a more pronounced effect throughout the given research data categories.

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