Evaluation of Attitude towards Choosing Medical and Dental S | 64408

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of Attitude towards Choosing Medical and Dental Sciences as a Profession after Coronavirus Pandemic

Author(s): Tahoora Taskeen L, Hannah R* and Lavanya Prathap


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a pandemic throughout the world. Health professionals are struggling to bring the situation under control. Among health professionals struggling to overcome the pandemic, there is an increased anxiety level The global crisis has caused much anxiety and depression among people which would take decades for people to come out of. Hence the current study aims to analyze the attitude of students in choosing medical and dental sciences as a profession after Coronavirus pandemic. A cross sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed through an online portal (Google Forms) and the study population included 200 individuals of age’s 15-19 years. The data was collected and analyzed using SPSS software. Based on the result of the study 74.75% of students were passionate towards the medical and health science field. 69.31% of students had responded that covid-19 pandemic had impacted their passion. 57.4% of students responded that pandemic had brought anxiety among parents and students to choose medical and health science courses and only 5.9% denied it. 98% responded that even after choosing the medical field as a profession there will be constant stress in the future. Within the limitations of the study we conclude that Covid 19 is a stumbling block for the students of the 15-19 age groups from choosing medical sciences as a profession. This can be attributed to the anxiety and fear surrounding the pandemic.

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