Evaluation of Association between Habitual Occlusion and De | 87885

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of Association between Habitual Occlusion and Development of Cracked Tooth Syndrome and Craze Lines-A Retrospective Study

Author(s): K. Ajith Kamath, Surendar S


Introduction: Occlusion may be de?ed as the manner in which the teeth in opposing arches contact each other. An individual's habits of occlusion also play a crucial role. The continued use of a single side of the arch, also termed as habitual unilateral occlusion can have deleterious effects on the teeth in that particular arch. Cracking or breaking of teeth or development of craze lines on the enamel has often been observed. Aim: To evaluate the association between habitual occlusion and the development of cracked tooth syndrome and craze lines during on going endodontic treatment. Methodology: A total of 25 patients were included in the study. These patients had presented to the clinic with deep dentinal caries. Informed consents were obtained. All the included patients sts?ed the inclusion. Results: 15 out of 25 patients had crack or craze lines on their latest. Crack lines were visible clinically among 13 patients and not visible among 2 patients. IOPA showed crack lines that were clinically visible were also visible on IOPA in 53.8%. 66.7% of patients cited pain as the reason 20% had no sec?c reason, 13% cited fear of pain as the reason for using only one side of occlusion. 80% of the defects were craze lines and 20% were in the form of cracked teeth. Conclusion: Patients should be encouraged and counselled to not develop or continue with a habitual occlusion during endodontic treatment. This intern can improve the overall prognosis of the tooth

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