Evaluating Knowledge and Attitude about Premarital Screening among Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University Students in Riyadh
Author(s): Albadrani GM, Alshanbari HM*, Baraja DA, Alahaideb LK, Alabdullah SM, Alzahrani SM, Alqahtani HW and Almuhaisen SA
Objective: The awareness and attitudes of PNU students towards PMS program need to be evaluated.
Background: Consanguineous marriages are very common in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, and it can cause hemoglobinopathies. Premarital test is very important to prevent and reduce infectious and hereditary diseases. By educating students we can decrease and limit genetically transmitted diseases.
Methods: The study was conducted at PNU from January to April 2019. The questionnaire was in both Arabic and English and was handed out by the researchers to 600 female participants, limiting them to unmarried and engaged students and then was analyzed using Excel.
Results: An overwhelming majority of participants (96.16%) were aware of PMS, and (90.16%) believe that the purpose of PMS is to control and reduce hereditary and infectious diseases. Almost half of the participants (48.16%) believe that PMS limits hereditary diseases; thus, (38.16%) of respondents favoured passing a law to prevent any marriage with incompatible results. However, some PNU participants (12.16%-16.16%) indicated they would still marry regardless if she or her partner is affected with hereditary diseases.
Conclusion: Most of the respondents were aware that the PMS is a preventive measure and believed that the PMS controls and reduces hereditary and infectious diseases.