Estimation of Stature by Head Length in Central India
Author(s): Atul S Keche and Harsha A Keche*
Determination of stature is a major step in the identification. Some definite proportional relationship exists between stature and other body parts. Therefore, in the estimation of stature, various other parts of human body can be used specially in cases like highly decomposed bodies, mutilated bodies and fragmentary human remains. So, to estimate the relationship between head length and height this study was taken up. The study was carried out on 196 medical students belonging to different regions of central India with their ages ranging between 18 to 25 years. By using stadiometer, stature was measured and head length was measured by spreading calliper with blunt ends from glabella to inion. We found that certain correlation exists between height and head length of a person and that was statistically significant also. Regression equations were derived in males and females for estimating height from head length. It was 148.88 ± 1.21*HL for males and 140.07 ± 1.14*HL for Females. The regression equations for height with head breadth were also derived for males and females.