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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Author(s): Husna Irfan Thalib, Aleena Zobairi, Zenab Javed, Nesa Ansari, Asim M Alshanberi, Safaa M Alsanosi*, Yosra Z Alhindi, Alaa H Falemban, Rowaida Bakri, Mohammed Shaikhomer and Maram H Alshareef


Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, launched in 2016, aims to transform the healthcare sector by improving service access, quality, and disease prevention. The Health Sector Transformation Program focuses on modernizing infrastructure, enhancing the workforce, and adopting new technologies. This review aims to evaluate the current state of healthcare research in Saudi Arabia and identify areas for improvement. Significant emphasis is placed on digital transformation and advancing medical research, with substantial investments in funding and international collaborations. Despite progress, there is still a need for more original research, particularly in maternal and reproductive health. Technological advancements, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, are enhancing research methodologies. Future developments include privatization and public-private partnerships to boost healthcare efficiency and access. Vision 2030 aspires to position Saudi Arabia as a leader in global health research, ultimately improving health outcomes.

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