Effects Of Mother's Voice On The Weight Gain Of The Baby
Author(s): Shrinivas Ranjeet Hake, Bhavana Lakhkar* and Mahaveer Lakra
Background: Maternal stress or anxiety in postpartum period due to baby’s admission in NICU may decrease milk secretion depriving the baby from nutrition. The stress, anxiety, poor diet and psychological factors of mother are known to affect the milk secretion through oxytocin reflex leading to lactation failure which affects the growth, development and cognitive function of baby. Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of music therapy on weight increase in low birth weight babies to those who did not get music therapy. The purpose of this study is to examine how music in the mother's voice affects the weight gain pattern of low birth weight babies when compared to no music or any music. Method of the study: Randomize clinical trial conducted on 195 term low birth weight babies of both the sexes and completed at least ten days of life. The inclusion criteria for the babies should be without any abnormalities of hearing or suffering from any congenital abnormalities. The exclusion criteria for the mothers should be mute mother, deaf, dumb mother or the mother with speaking problems. The 195 low birth weight babies should be randomised in three groups containing 65 in each group. The Characteristic evaluated is the weight of the babies. Results: The first group babies with no music did not show any significant changes in the weight gain of the babies. The second group of babies with recorded lullaby also did not show any significant changes in the weight gain of the babies. While the third group of babies with lives lullaby or music in the mother's voice show the significant change in the weight of babies. Conclusion: The live lullaby or any music in mother's voice at the time of feeding the babies affect positively to the weight gain of the babies.