Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among the Orthopaedic Patients, Selected Hospital Chennai
Author(s): AR Bharathi*
To appraise the efficacy of music therapy on pain reduction among the patients underwent orthopedic surgery at Sree Balaji Hospital, Chrompet. Hence find out the association between the posttest level of pain among control group and their selected demographic variables. Extreme stressors such as intense fear, helplessness or horror that leads entities to relieve the trauma. The belongings of traumatic events on individuals are upsetting memories of the events, acting or feeling like the events is happening again, nightmares, and feeling of intense distress when reminded of the trauma. Whereas, physical reactions of trauma include rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating pounding heart, trouble falling or startled by loud noises. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples. In order to collect the data, the tool was prepared which comprised of demographic variables, Visual analogue scale to assess the level of pain of the samples. Music therapy is found helpful in the reduction of post-traumatic stress disorder among orthopaedic patients in orthopaedic wards.