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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Author(s): Aram Omar Mohammed* and Khatam Mutashir Hatab AL-Mosawi


Principle related to ethical code and ethical issues which is the basic and important when child care and management to protect child rights. Nurses as one of the health service providers and members in the health system who are responsible for giving care to the patients based on ethical issues, Pediatric nurses need ethical knowledge to conduct their appropriate function to manage situations and to give safe and proper legal and ethical care in today's changing world. Assessing nurse knowledge is an essential step to assure the optimum level of professional nursing services. Aim: to assess nurse’s knowledge about application of ethical consideration also to determine and examination relationship between knowledge and demographic data. Design: experimental design two-group (control group and study group pretest–posttest design). Methods: Non- probability purposive sample consisted of (50) nurses (25 control group 25 study group) who working in clinical units during the data collection phase. Data collection process started April 2023–October 2023. The data collection tool are two part demographic characteristic 5 items and contains 30 multiple-choice questions about nurses knowledge of ethics rules that reflect the main components of the many literature review including ethical Iraqi Code. Results: The study showed clear improvement knowledge after the ethical intervention program in the information of nurses, according to the results.

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